The Standish Group has operated SURF (Standish User Research Forum) for over 25 years. Participants have been mostly executives from organizations that operated IT services inside major organizations. These members includes, CIOs, VP of operations, and CTOs. Many of these same IT executives participated in our focus groups, CHAOS University workshops, online surveys, and other research events. Over the years more 3,000 executives have participated in SURF.
SURF 2020 offers certain members a free Resolution Benchmark and supporting appraisals to help in populating our new Resolution Database. The new database and system is both a subset and a superset of the current CHAOS Database. We have streamlined the process and made it totally self-service. We have also increased the benefits of the information to greatly improve the chances of your organizational improvement. The value of the Resolution Benchmark is $5,000. However, we are offering it free to qualified members. However, you must be invited and join our Premium Membership for $600. The current Resolution Benchmark that works off the CHAOS Database it outline in this video. We are creating a new video for the new process to be released next year, however it very similar to this video.
The big difference between the current benchmark and the new benchmark is the appraisals for the 3 Factors of Success, Good Place, Good Team, and Good Sponsor. The appraisal includes a Good Sponsor Appraisal for each sponsor in the Resolution Benchmark. In addition, it includes a Good Team Appraisal for each delivery team in the Resolution Benchmark. Plus, it includes a Good Place Appraisal for the environment in which the Resolution Benchmark is executed in. Each of these appraisals offers you 3 suggestions to improve your sponsors, delivery teams and project environment. It also benchmarks the level of maturity in each of these success factors. It generally in takes about 20 minutes per appraisal to complete.
The project profiles will take about 10 minutes and we ask you complete the last 25 projects. You start with an organizational profile which should also take about 10 minutes. The whole process should only take 1 or 2 days for one person. It also can be done over time and not all at once, it is up to you. Parts of the benchmark and appraisals also can be done in group workshops to promote team building. The output is a report from each appraisal lists the skill maturity and ranking over other organizations. The benchmark provides the organizations success and value compared to similar organizations.
Let’s get to work together. Go now and join our Premium Membership. If you have not been invited, but meet these qualifications:
1. Senior Executives such as:
- · VP of IT or operations
- · Director of the Project Management Office (PMO)
2. Work for a substantial User Organization Such as:
- · Financial/securities
- · Bank/Insurance
- · Retail
- · Healthcare
- · Government
- · Manufacturing
- · Telco
- · Service
- · Other
3. Have resolved 25 active projects in the last 2 years
4. Have detailed information about the resolved projects
So, if you think you qualify and want to join SURF, please write to Jennifer Lynch